Partnership is everything

While expertise and knowledge is a key part of my offer, I believe there is more to a successful partnership. I want you to feel that I am a part of your team, an expert inside your business that you can rely on and trust. I will be rooting for your success and willing to go the extra mile to help you unlock the plans and actions that will deliver the results you want to achieve.

Read below to see what clients say about working together.

What my clients say

Charlotte Green

Co-Founder Gramos Coffee

Catherine is incredibly easy to work with, full of simple and effective ideas, and has a great way of cutting through the mud and complexity of marketing and communications. 

What impressed me most about Catherine was the time she took to really listen and understand our business, what we were about and what was important to us. She helped us define our 'why' which led to the key messages and values that stood us apart from other coffee shops. This groundwork has formed the basis of so many of our marketing decisions and approaches since.

JULIE Munch khan

CCO Deallus

Catherine came onboard as an advisor when we needed to scale our marketing department to support our rapid company growth. She took the time to listen to our needs, helped us assess how these were going to evolve from a marketing point of view and asked questions which spurred further ideas. Catherine  is a marketing professional who can clearly operate on both a strategic and tactical level, with a genuine interest in supporting your business, a wealth of knowledge and a large network which she happily taps into. Above everything else she is lovely to work with.
natalie clarke

Founder Birth Supported

I thoroughly recommend Catherine for marketing services – she has been a game-changer for my business! It’s clear she draws on a wealth of sales and marketing expertise but is also very innovative in her approach. She took time to really understand the unique opportunities and obstacles facing me and my customers before supporting me to develop a ‘roadmap to launch’, aligning this perfectly with my brand and vision. She was also able to share clever practical tips and tactics for maximising success along the way. Perhaps most importantly, she has given me the confidence that I really can do this!  She is a joy to work with; supportive but not afraid to provide constructive challenge and with a clear focus on the end deliverables.  I really can’t recommend her highly enough.
rachael box

Founder and CEO Local Village Network

Catherine is wonderful to have as a partner. She brings a huge amount of knowledge and experience in marketing and beyond. She is thoughtful and insightful and an absolute pleasure to work with.   

Having Catherine to help us with strategy is hugely valuable, and I also appreciate that she's willing to get hands on to deliver a project or campaign when we need that.  She was quick to understand our core message and find ways to ensure more people are aware of our impact and the needs of our charity. No matter the challenge we give, she comes up with innovative, effective ideas that really work and get results. And we know she’ll always go the extra mile to make sure we achieve our results.  

It’s great to have Catherine as someone we can call on for advice and support and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a partner to help with marketing and business development.